Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the trinity.

the life. 

its the holy trinity of traveling: the southwest northeast southeast triangle. 

last weekend, sevilla.
where we spontaneously hopped a bus! it was all in the name of a "lets toast to obama!" party that i had found on the internet. and as with most things found on the internet (hotels, clothes, apartments, wives), it ended up being a little different than we imagined. a small crowd of fifty-somethings in a quiet bar; just different than what we had geared up for. but to have an excuse to hop a bus and go to sevilla? that was a beautiful thing. we stayed with a local friend and botellóned with the pros. in one bar, we were served free delights of something the bar tender had made himself. in one street, you can get chocolate covered churros at any hour of the night. we drank starbucks (what? a real cup of coffee exists in spain? i wasn't convinced until last weekend) and spent our days with men who own horses and dogs and homes in the country and ride super-bikes. who finally have our sense of humor. who are the kindest souls i've spent time with. who open their doors and their lives and their cars to hang out with some young americans. man. sevilla? you and your guadalquivir really impressed me, you did. and now the trinity continues.

this weekend, barcelona.
next weekend, granada.

all is well. <3

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