Monday, December 8, 2008

a whining update.

you know that game you play when you're a little kid? the one where the ground is lava? the one where you have to figure out a way to walk around without ever stepping foot on the burning hot magma that will in fact burn your feet? the one where you will die if you touch the ground? you go from imaginary lillypad to imaginary lillypad working your way through the house or the park or what-have-you? 

well. i have perfected the art. 

it's an unfortunate art, but it is necessary in this cold. always remember to not touch the ground. not with your barefeet. not with socks. not with anything. it's quite a sight: from bed to chair to desk to chair to bed. a lillypad (battleground? mine field?) maze. you've gotta do it. 

the shelly, shelli, michey, michigan, child within me is proud.  

ok. that's it about the cold. i swear. 


mellamosara said...

you're not selling spain to me, love

michelle rene said...

te prometo-- este frío solo existe en cádiz. te prometo. :)

Jake said...

you could wear uggs :0)

p.s. they just released the season 5 trailer...!!!!!!!

mellamosara said...

I love you! I love you! I love you!

And, O deary me!, I have to tell you--the "word verification" code on this page is: odeari.