the truth is, that goodness still exists. astoundingly.
i am reminded of this as i attend concerts where mexican musicians gush over life's beauty, love's strength, and family's brilliance. they close their eyes and tears stream down their faces. they dance. they dance. they dance. their feet banging on la tarima in that rhythmic pulse-- one, two, ten, thirty of them all together on stage. oh, this goodness is strong.
i am reminded of this as i see a woman holding a blind man's hand across the street. she leaves him, continuing on her sunny-day run, and i pick up where she left off. his name is ken. his day is good. he is going to take the bus. let's take it together.
i am reminded of this as i listen to political debates and see the fire of "we need a just world" blazing in my beautiful friend's eyes. school and finances and youth don't stand in our way.
i am reminded of this as i listen to people laugh [oh how i love listening to people laugh]. their eyes squint in the brightness of the coming sun, their cheeks are red in the pain of too much laughter, their feet strolling in sync with their partners in crime [oh how i love listening to people laugh].
these days, the resounding goodness of humanity is really pushing me along.....
let's grow kindness in our hearts for all the strangers among us, 'till there are no strangers anymore.
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