Tuesday, September 2, 2008

speaking southernly.

ma o meno, picha. ay, hora bibo en Cai. to e byen. asta ora. bale bale bale. ¿coméi peado? ay sí sí sí. adyo.

this is what my days are filled with. no, i don't understand it either. :) the locals drop letters left and right, in every sentence and in every word. i'm thinking about bringing this "tradition" back to the states with me. "ah oo oing o cla, toay?" yes, perfect. the language is rich, and beautiful, and impossible to understand. but, with time, with time it will come. ah. it's fantastic. 

i live in andalucía, the most southern province in spain. it's just me and maría guadalupe here in this little apartment-- and she teaches me how to drop my letters. the house is on a street that looks very much like the streets of central america--- narrow, many apartment buildings, big locking gates in the front, clothes lines strung between homes, beautiful. our home is just three streets in from the beach? ay, the beach! 

yes. this is my backyard. :) 

i have so much to write-- about the people, the city, the food, the classes, the nights, the parks and plazas, the weather, everything. but not now. right now, i need to soak everything in. 

i love spain. 


mellamosara said...
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mellamosara said...

:) at first (af first) i read "comeís peado" and thought, "pegado"... open to interpretation on that one.

i'm glad you like it. get our house all set up for us, eh? i'll be there. esperate espera espera!!!

midnight sound said...

it warms my heart to know you are loving it! keep it up. know that i love you.