Friday, October 10, 2008

but a little whiskey helps.

the honesty that exists in conversations over coffee is palpable. 

and the crazy thing is, i am now convinced, that no amount of cultural difference can change this. sure, i don't understand everything that you say, but turns out that doesn't matter. we can have the most fascinating, the most interesting, the most inspiring conversations. we can sit at the cafe and drink coffee with cream and whiskey discussing biblical matters, life and death, what we believe, the good in humanity, our roots, the importance of love, and everything in between. we can repeat and repeat and repeat and always have something new to say. you've got it all figured out? no? me either. lets get a little coffee. man, its a beautiful thing.   

i can talk myself silly, but the truth is, the honest truth, the palpable certainty of it is that you have a lot to teach me. and i have a lot to learn. and, boy howdy, that might be the best part of all of this.