Friday, April 23, 2010

one, two, three, dream.

sometimes all i want to do is sing. 
throw my banjo over my knee and strum the days away. close these green eyes of mine and let the melodies fall upon themselves in the most rhythmic folds. they'll listen, little one. they will. 

sometimes all i want to do is bake.
this week my beautiful friend dawn gifted me three old fashioned pie plates; they are thick and metal and textured with names of old chicago pie companies on the bottom. they are beautiful. and are begging to be filled. they beg to be covered in the chilled crusts and slightly sweetened cherry cherry boom boom filling. yes. sometimes all i want to do is don one of my many aprons and bake bake bake the days away. 

and sometimes all i (don't) want to do is learn about the functioning sexuality of humans.
a slightly annoying desire has entered my field of dreams as i think about my future. michelle debruyn, sex therapist. (haha.) certainly this wish is a budding one, small in the shadows of music and baking, tiny in the way that my days seem to pass. but if it is true that one should do what they love, or do what they find most fascinating, then this new "all i want to do" might be apropos. in reality, it might just be the fact that i love saying to my best friends "DID YOU KNOW......?!" with all excitement and enthusiasm expanding their graduated minds into this odd world i live in right now. perhaps that's it, just spreadin' the knowledge. but maybe this dream is true. because i would love to describe to you the unusual practices that exist in the world, the anatomy of reproduction, accessory structures, the involvement of the various nervous systems in the process, the phases of bodily response, the disorders, transmitted infections and diseases, unconventional and conventional practices, flow of hormones, and so on and so forth. or maybe my slight obsession with this stems from the fact that in t-minus four hours i have an exam on this shtuff. cross your fing-fings.

for today i'll let myself be a dreamer.
today i'll soak up the sun that peaks its way through these april clouds.

and tonight i'll don my cowboy boots and drip myself in diamonds.

because (musician or baker or other) that's just the kind of lady i am.

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Karina said...
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